Salvador Dali gave the most concise definition regarding the importance of Drawing in Art: “Drawing is the honesty of art. There is no possibility of cheating. It is either good or bad”.
Zoumboulakis Galleries attempts to present a choice of drawings that are, either independent artworks in their own right, forerunners of important works or an artistic diary for each artist.
Exhibited works by:
Yiannis Adamakis, Diamantis Aidinis, Alexis Akrithakis, Vanessa Anastasopoulou, Christos Bokoros, Chryssa (Vardea), Nikos Hadjikyriakos – Ghikas, Antonis Kyriakoulis, Harry Lambert, George Lazongas, I. Moralis, Kyriakos Mortarakos, Nikos Nikolaou, Sophia Papacosta, Philippos Photiadis, Jannis Psychopedis, Myrto Stampoulou, Katerina Stefanidaki.
Kostas Mitropoulos participates with the current issue:
A series of drawings (Digital Limited Edition in 15 copies, printed on archival paper – signed and overpainted by Kostas Mitropoulos) illustrating, with his characteristic humor, the eternal problem of economy and the current events.
As he says: Economists and Historians number the economical crises around 45. Kostas Mitropoulos was born in Athens during the 30th crisis. He started publishing his drawings in the VIMA Journal at the beginning of the 39th and in the NEA Journal at the end of the 40th. The exhibition at Zoumboulakis Galleries takes place at the end of the economic crises as he believes…