Zoumboulakis Galleries present the latest installation by Harris Kondosphyris New Wreck – Acting in the Lost Space.
With the participation of the sculptors Manolis Romantzis and Christos Tsotsos, of the visual artists Nikolas Karnabatides – sound installation, Argiris Rimou – architectural models, George Pandazis – painting cooperation. Invitation photographic comment – Sophia Antonakaki.
The “New Wreck” is an installation which introducesremaining spaces as an optimistic regrouping of the neglected human space. Four hundred cheeping birds fill the space, encourage gathering and constitute a calling for further cooperation. Sounds and auditory memories and images slip into the space and assist the viewer to enjoy successive itineraries of the past.
A sense that the wreck is the last resistance in the ability of matter to recycle everything to organic material begins where the images – memories end. In this painting co-actionof Harris Kondosphyris and the other visual artists, different images emerge and flood into the space: birds, free dogs, the poet Nikos Karouzos, an island of self–exiled who reconstruct abandoned architectural models, the ladies of the wrecks in the ruined after war Germany, the ruined peristyle of the entrance. All these constitute a total visual experience: Full of labor and yet poetically, man resides this land (verse by Hôlderlin).
Following Harris Kondosphyris’s installation and his cooperation with the rest of the visual artists, two younger artists, Dimitris Efeoglou and Gabriel Ftelkopoulos present their work.
With the support of: